Greece is our base, world is our limit.

The nature of our Power, Is the power of Nature

About Us


As the Toulatzi Group, has been continuously active for more than 40 years in the field of natural stones in Greece and in many countries abroad, it has acquired extensive know-how in their exploring, mining, processing, trading & promoting.


Our Vision

is to empower people, and help them grow their business, by successfully transferring to them our knowledge and know how in the marble field, from the initial stages of mining up to its marketing and connecting to global markets.

What we offer

Toulatzis Group provides strategic advice, operational, and project management consulting to private and public sector persons or companies in the following 3 stages:


We support you to track down deposits suitable for mining, after assessing their quality and color features.


We help you plan the modernization of your processing plant or create a new processing plant, with all the necessary means to effectively process and exploit the mined marble.


We help you in the process of trading and promoting of the final product and its successful placement in the world markets.

Our Partners

Our group is the result of a partnership among professional people with great experience and knowledge in natural stone industry (more than 40 years).

The Best Partner to Grow your Natural Stone Business.



Some of our activities the last years in Greece, Libya, Turkemenistan, Algeria, Romania, Israel, Egypt.